In-District Advocacy for the UN

Members of UNA-Seton Hall University recently organized a meeting at a staff-level with Senator Bob Menendez’ office, in Newark, New Jersey.  Five members of UNA-SHU met with the Senior Advisor of Senator Menendez, Zachary Rynar, to advocate for global issues relevant to the United Nations and to the youth, including the refugee crisis and the U.S. Funding to the UN (considering Bills S.107 and H.193).

The office of Senator Menendez was extremely welcoming with our chapter, and highlighted the office’s hard work to make sure that diversity is part of their work; Bob Menendez is the son of a refugee from Cuba, and he is one of the first Hispanic Senators in the United States. We successfully completed advocacy work at our regional government as representatives of UNA-USA at Seton Hall, and we found that this was a very rewarding experience.

Plan in-district advocacy meetings with your elected leaders and your UNA-USA chapter using our advocacy resources